3. Installing the Geronimo JasperReports Plugins

The Geronimo JasperReports plugins are easiest to install through the Geronimo admin console, though they may also be installed from the command-line (particularly for Little G, which does not presently include the admin console).


For either installation style, it is only necessary to select one of the plugins for installation. If you select the deployable reports plugin it will automatically install the report manager plugin.

Console Installation Procedure

  1. Log in to the console

  2. Select the Plugins - Create/Install option in the left navigation bar

  3. Select the plugin repository http://www.geronimoplugins.com/repository/geronimo-1.1 from the repository drop-down list (use the Update Repository List command if necessary to populate the repository list).

  4. Click Search for Plugins

  5. Select the following plugins from the list to install the different features described here:

    • Report Manager: JasperReports Integration

    • Deployable Reports: JasperReports Deployer

  6. For each selected plugin, select Install Plugin followed by Start (plugin ID) once the installation completes.

Command-Line Installation Procedure

  1. Download the plugin files from the following pages:

  2. Use the command-line deploy tool to install each plugin:

    java -jar bin/deployer.jar install-plugin [plugin_file]